Meaning of Lines, Patches and Inclusions on a Gemstone

Lines Patches and inclusions Blog Post | Kalikasan Jewel

When choosing a gemstone, color and opacity are two aspects to look for. However, lines, patches and inclusions on a gemstone might be the most important feature. It is what make them so attractive and give them this singular appeal of life.

For lines and patches, the most common stone having these features are Agate, Jasper, Malachite, Rhodochrosite, Tiger Eye and Hawk Eye


# Irregular Line helps to keep an open mind and reduce mistrust
# Regular Line promotes peace of mind and harmony


# Patches improve creativity and inspiration

For inclusions, they can be found with Tourmaline Quartz and Rutilated Quartz. The inclusions are respectively Tourmaline and needle of Titanium into a Crystal Quartz. What is important to observe are the orientation, number and density of these inclusions


# Crossing inclusions permit to break vicious circle
# Vertical inclusions relieve tension such as stress and anxiety
# Horizontal inclusions bring balance and stability in relationship
# More inclusions are present and more the effects of the inclusions will be strong

Lines, Patches and Inclusions shall be observed carefully. They are the small details which defined the strongest gemstones personalities traits. They are the small imperfections which make the jewels so special. They are the soul of the gems and that make them unique!

While choosing a stone, consider them as an individual. It will make your choice easier and will create an intimate link from the beginning. With time and care, this connection will growth to a strong relationship that both, gemstone and wearer, will benefit. Embrace the believe of gemstone energies by understanding the meaning of lines, patches and inclusion. It can help you to improve your well-being and to elevate the understanding of your inner self.

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