Meaning of Transparent, Translucent and Opaque Gemstones

The clarity or opacity of a gemstone is an important aspect to consider while choosing your jewel.

The gemstones jewelry can be classified into 3 categories: Transparent, Translucent, Opaque.

# When the full amount of light can pass through a stone; this one is called transparent.
# When a gemstone let partially the light pass through; we have a translucent jewel.
# When no light can pass through; the gemstone is opaque.

These characteristics have meaning and can be a significant aspect in the choice of a gemstone.

# Transparent Gemstone is related to the mind. It reinforces spiritual energies
# Translucent Gemstone is related to the emotional life. It positively influences emotion.
# Opaque Gemstone is related to the body. It promotes healthy lifestyle.

It is possible that some gemstones have mixed characteristics. Indeed, a stone can be opaque at the first sight. But when exposed to a source of light, some sections can appear translucent or transparent. For example, Crystal Quartz can be transparent and translucent at the same time. Therefore, it is important to understand this aspect of clarity/opacity as the influence of the jewel can be different.

Some more classification of gemstones:

# Topaz, Amethyst, and Diamond are among the transparent gemstone.
# Citrine, Moonstone, Smokey Quartz and Rose quartz are translucent gems.
# Red Jasper, Turquoise, Onyx and Lapis Lazuli are in the opaque category.

To take note that a gemstone is not necessarily attached to a specific category. Citrine can be also completely transparent even if the translucent ones are the most common. This also explain the value difference between same stones. Indeed, Diamond with excellent clarity property will be more expensive than other Diamond where light only pass through partially.
Nevertheless, the choice of a gemstone is subjective. What appeal to you at the first glance is a good start point to explore different variation. Just remember the different meaning of each characteristics (Transparent, Translucent, Opaque) and the gemstones will guide you naturally on your final choice.

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