Gemstone Color Symbolisms, Meanings & Personality Traits

Colorful Gemstones Blog Post | Kalikasan Jewel

Color is the main feature to help you choose a gemstone. It is the result of light decomposition by reflection or refraction. From a biological point of view, our visual sense signals us the presence of light waves and triggers our brain to see colorful images. 

Light is fundamental for every life being: No Light is equal to no life. This is why color is so important when looking at gemstone jewelry. Light not only brings beautiful color, it warms up our body and it even affects our mood. Chromotherapy is a good example of how light is used to improve our well-being. So, we cannot deny that the power of the Sun, who provides light everywhere on earth, is at the center of every jewel. Creating colorful gems and giving them powerful meanings… Learned from years of humanity experiences. So let’s see the symbolisms and personality traits of each of them. You might recognize yourself in a particular color. And hopefully, by matching your personality traits to one stone color, you will be able to choose the perfect jewel!

1. Cold & Warm Contrast

Before going into the meaning of the gemstone color, one notion is important to understand first. It  is the cold and warm color contrast:

# Warm Colors usually give energetic boost (Yellow, Orange, Red, Black)
# Cold Colors tend to calm down (Blue, Violet, White)
# Neutral Colors give balance (Green/Yellow, Green, Green/Blue) 

When choosing a gemstone, cold and warm color contrast is the first criteria to observe. If your personality traits tend to be calm, it may be better to look into warm gem color to bring a little boost. 

2.Color Symbolisms

Another element to take into account when choosing a gemstone is the color symbolism. In other words, the perceived understanding of the color by others. For example, while wearing an exquisite Red Stone pendant, your friend might see you as a person of power! 

# Red symbolizes Activity, Power and Fight 
# Orange symbolizes Movement, Vitality and Healing
# Yellow symbolizes Wisdom, Vitality and Protection
# Yellow/Green Color symbolizes Growth and Renewal 
# Green symbolizes Creativity and Motivation
# Blue/Green Color symbolizes Concentration and Emotional Balance
# Blue symbolizes Hope, Peace and Spirituality
# Violet symbolizes Spirituality, Nobility and Mystery
# White symbolizes Clarity and Purity
# Black symbolizes Concentration and Determination

Be aware of the color symbolisms! With the right choice, you will be able to express yourself meaningfully. 

3.Color Personality Traits 

Now, let’s discover what are the gemstone personalities defined by their colors.

# Blue Gems are optimistic, peaceful and calm. Their names are Aquamarine, Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli. 

# Red Gems are confident, disciplined and energetic. Their names are Ruby, Red Jasper and Garnet.

# Violet Gems are compassionate, spiritual and sensitive. Their names are Amethyst, Fluorite and Sugilite.

# Green Gems are persuasive, creative and generous. Their names are Malachite, Jade and Amazonite.

# Yellow Gems are perfectionist, cheerful and creative. Their names are Citrine, Tiger Eye and Amber.

# Orange Gems are spontaneous, bold and optimistic. Their name are Carnelian, Fire Opal and Sunstone.

# Pink Gems are romantic, nurturing and kind. Their name are Rose Quartz, Pink Opal and Rhodochrosite.

# White Gems are well-balanced, sensible and discreet. Their names are Diamond, Crystal Quartz and Moonstone.

# Black Gems are independent, strong-willed and determined. Their names are Onyx, Obsidian and Hematite.

By knowing the personality traits of a gemstone, it can help you to find the right companion. A stone having the same spirit as you! A Stone who is part of you and who can amplify your particular traits. Nevertheless, for people who wish to elevate other characteristics, it might be a better choice to choose a color complementary to your matching gems. 

4.Complementary Colors

Each color has its opposite polarity:

# Yellow opposite polarity is Violet
# Blue opposite polarity is Orange
# Red opposite polarity is Blue or Green
# Black opposite polarity is White

Complementary colors are to be used to balance and bring harmony to a person where its primary color is too accentuated. For an example, being a red personality where aggressiveness might be a weakness. He should go with a blue or green Gemstone in order to restore emotional balance. Indeed, if this red personality will choose a red gemstone, it might just accentuate his aggressiveness.

Color is part of our everyday life, affecting our mood and shaping our decision. Therefore, knowing all about your gemstone color can help you to understand their powers. Powers to ease pain, energize the body, lift-up spirit, promote happiness and many more! 

Now that you are well equipped with this knowledge, don’t stop! There are so many stories about gemstones. Remember that the perfect gemstone will reveal itself to those who are not afraid to learn and explore. Keep exploring our Blog “Gems Discovery” for more.

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