Revealing the Amazing Amethyst Secrets


One of the most famous gemstones is Amethyst, which is known as a highly charge in spiritual energy that helps brings relaxation, good health, and happiness! It also promotes creativity, visualization and meditation. But what else this Jewel can offer ….?

So, in this post you will learn the secrets that lie under the Amethyst natural powers. First you will get to know the Amethyst profile, including star sign, planet, corresponding element and chakra. Then we will discover the different benefits to work with it, to improve your well-being in varieties of way !

Amethyst is a quartz where the color vary from light violet to its classic purple. This is the result of manganese and iron inclusions. In some cases, other varieties can be found such as the rare black Amethyst or the white chevron Amethyst.
The ancient civilizations considered this purple color as symbol of royalty and luxury. Believing to be an high value jewel, it was often wear as crowns, sceptres or rings…

Now, let’s discover the Amethyst profile:

# Amethyst corresponding Zodiac sign is Aquarius, indeed both shares strong sense of responsibility and sincerity. Allowing them to overcome difficulty in a best manner.

# This well known gemstone corresponding ruling planet, is Uranus. Strong conviction and rightness on both of them help to address every concern in a most effective way for the interests of everyone involved.

# The corresponding element to the Amethyst is Air. Moving with the flow and making change are the basis for both of them.

# Charged with spiritual energy, Amethyst open the Crown Chakra to the highest level of spirituality

This is a lot to take … I know !
Now you’re like wondering, what does the Amethyst has to offer … what are the Amethyst natural powers and benefits ?

Amethyst can be use in various way for healing:

At home:
# This Brings peaceful vibration and promote pure and deep level of consciousness (Excellent for your meditation room)
# Under your pillow, a remedy to insomnia

Wear an Amethyst as pendant, bracelet, earring or a ring:
# Can stop feeling homesick (Definitely good for travelers)
# Boost self-esteem
# And bring calm and inner peace

Give an Amethyst:
# Reduce tension
# And create harmonious relationship

On top of these benefits, the Amethyst can also bring some relieve from physical pain:

Being associated to the crown chakra, holding an Amethyst on top of your head can ease headache and migraine. It is actually the most powerful stone for this kind of pain. In the same manner, stress can be fought with the help of this crystal by dispelling nervousness, anger, tension and over sensitivity.
Amethyst is also known to treat alcoholism, improve blood circulation, and strengthen immune system.

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