Gemstones Jewelry Personality – Taurus

Zodiac Sign Taurus Blog Post | Kalikasan Jewel

Taurus is compassionate and sweet to other. Their gemstone color is pink and this suits them really well. However the need to feel secure can lead the Taurus to be passive and missed some opportunities to discover new things.The gemstones associates to the Taurus are the mirror of this Zodiac Sign. To helps correct some negative aspect of their personality, complementary color of pink is a wiser choice. Unless you think that some of your strength can still be enhance, green gems is the way to go.


# They are good to other
# They master their emotion
# They have a high sense of reality
# They love interacting with friends

# They need to feel secure
# They sometime can be stubborn
# They tend to be too much conservative

# Vulnerable to stress at work


Here the gemstones link to the Zodiac Sign Taurus which can help you to overcome everyday life challenges. Enjoy the Video!


Gemstone Profile:
# Mental and Physical Growth, Harmony, Inspiration, Honesty

Gemstone Benefits:
# Enhances memory
# Help to clarify thought
# Ease matter’s of the heart
# Promote qualities of patience and honesty
# Create a state of balance and harmony for advancement

Rose Quartz

Gemstone Profile:
# Love, Sweetness, Youth, Creativity

Gemstone Benefits:
# Increase fertility
# Ease general aches and pain
# Promote youthful appearance
# Promote love, romance and relationship
# Dispel negative thought forms and energies
# Assist to appreciate all things great and small

Blue Sapphire

Gemstone Profile:
# Intuition, Sincerity, Honesty, Fidelity

Gemstone Benefits:
# Bring intuition and wisdom
# Help to accumulate wealth
# Help to realize dream and goal
# Enable wearer to see the beauty in everything

Lapis Lazuli

Gemstone Profile:
# Friendship, Idealism, Self-Confidence

Gemstone Benefits:
# Help to calm anger
# Protect against bad influence
# Improve insight into various things
# Stimulate attention and self-confidence
# Alleviate throat, respiratory tract problems

When comparing the Taurus sign and the gemstones profile, the Taurus takes a bit of each gemstone characteristic. Therefore to choose your gemstone, you must select the one which will enhance or reduce your personality traits. It is also depending on which cycle of life you are. Indeed a young Taurus will choose a Rose Quartz as his mind and personality is still forming. Whereas an adult Taurus who is working a lot will choose a Lapis Lazuli in order to bring calm.

For Taurus who wishes to elevate their weak spot, the following gemstone jewelry can help:

# Opal: Bring the taste of adventure
# Carnelian: Improve positivity
# Chrysolite: Promote tolerance 

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