Gemstones Jewelry Personality – Sagittarius

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Blog Post | Kalikasan Jewel

Sagittarius is a dreamer and loves to share his idea with other. The blue color gem is defining well this dreamy Zodiac Sign. Nevertheless, his impulsive and impatient behavior can push him to take decision too quickly. This could lead him to deception and regret. Choosing the color of a gemstone is important. Indeed it can increase or attenuate some of the personality traits. In the case of the Sagittarius, the complementary color of Blue (Orange) can be a wiser choice. An Orange color gem can bring better self-confidence and allow thoughtful decision taking.


# They are friendly
# They are really social
# They are open minded
# They have an idealist mindset
# They are very helpful with other

# They are impatient
# They tend to be impulsive
# Sometime, they lack of realism
# They can be easily influence by other

# Vulnerable to articulation as well as breathing problem


Here the gemstones link to the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius which can help you to overcome everyday life challenges. Enjoy the Video!


Gemstone Profile:
# Peace, Inspiration, Spirituality, Protection

Gemstone Used:
# Disperse migraine
# Help against insomnia
# Smooth and calm thought
# Promote focus and concentration
# Bring protection against negative energies

Blue Sapphire

Gemstone Profile:
# Intuition, Sincerity, Honesty, Fidelity

Gemstone Benefits:
# Bring intuition and wisdom
# Help to accumulate wealth
# Help to realize dream and goal
# Enable wearer to see the beauty in everything

Lapis Lazuli

Gemstone Profile:
# Friendship, Idealism, Self-Confidence

Gemstone Benefits:
# Help to calm anger
# Protect against bad influence
# Improve insight into various things
# Stimulate attention and self-confidence
# Alleviate throat, respiratory tract problems


Gemstone Profile:
# Communication, Willpower, Creativity, Romance

Gemstone Benefits:
# Promote willpower
# Protect against bad influence
# Promote friendship, love and romance
# Prevent sickness, accident and other danger
# Help to focus feelings for expression with confidence

The gemstones show that the Sagittarius has lot of arrow to his bow. However, Sagittarius has a tendency to dream. They need to step back if they wish to avoid deception. Amethyst is an ideal gem to enhance concentration and bring calm to the Sagittarius. Nevertheless, a gemstone choice should reflect your own personality. A wise choice is the one which appeal to you without hesitation.

For Sagittarius who wishes to elevate their weak spot, the following gemstones jewelry can help:

# Garnet: Improve Perseverance
# Red Jasper: Give better sense of reality
# Citrine: Help to gain better self-confidence

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