Gemstones Jewelry Personality – Pisces

Zodiac Sign Pisces Blog Post | Kalikasan Jewel

Pisces is an emotional Zodiac Sign. His main gemstone color is Violet: Color representing the spirituality.  Pisces is also an energetic and optimistic character who always sees positivity in everything. However, he is easily hurt when being criticizes. This can lead him to mood swing and in the worst case depression. In order to reinforce his inner emotional strength, the Pisces can choose a Yellow gemstone. Yellow being the complementary color of Violet, helps and shield the wearer from negativity and promotes happiness at the same time.


# They are really energetic
# They are very attentive to details
# They are optimistic in most cases
# They have a good sense of modesty

# They are susceptible to critics
# They lack a bit of sense of reality
# Sometime, they lack of willpower
# They are really emotional (Easily hurt)
# They prefer to avoid confrontation most of the time

# Prone to all kind of infection


Here the gemstones link to the Zodiac Sign Pisces which can help you to overcome everyday life challenges. Enjoy the Video!


Gemstone Profile:
# Peace, Inspiration, Spirituality, Protection

Gemstone Benefits:
# Disperse migraine
# Help against insomnia
# Smooth and calm thought
# Promote focus and concentration
# Bring protection against negative energies


Gemstone Profile:
# Inspiration, Eloquence, Balance

Gemstone Benefits:
# Promote maturity
# Help cardiac problem
# Maintain good health
# Alleviate hot temper and/or jealousy
# Protect against external negative influence
# Ensure balance between the feelings and the mind


Gemstone Profile:
Depending of the gemstone dominating color:
# Red: Energy
# Yellow: Vitality
# Green: Growth
# Blue: Peace
# Violet: Spirituality
# All color: Protection

Gemstone Benefits:
# Life prolonging
# Help beat tiredness
# Help to gain good health
# Promote a successful career
# Increase intuition and originality

The gemstones associates to the Pisces sign have all an emotional aspect. Choosing one should take into account you personality traits that need to be enhanced or embrace. Labradorite is the most appropriate gem. However, this choice is up to you. It all depends of the actual benefit you are looking into the “World of Gemstone “.

For Pisces who wishes to elevate their weak spot, the following gemstones jewelry can help:

# Hematite: Improve Perseverance
# Red Jasper: Increase sense of reality
# Aventurine: Bring Balance

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