Gemstones Jewelry Personality – Cancer

Zodiac Sign Cancer Blog Post | Kalikasan Jewel

Cancer is a sensitive character. Being extremely romantic and loyal, the color blue represents well this Zodiac Sign. However, the fear of change can retain the Cancer to accomplish his deeper dream.The complementary color of Blue is Orange. Choosing an Orange gem can neutralize shyness and improve perspective by taking risky but rewarding new challenge. Nevertheless, choosing one of the associate gemstones to the Cancer can also enhance his personality strength such as his creativity.


# They are romantic
# They are Sensitive
# They have good creativity
# They are faithful in relationship

# They are afraid of change
# They are most likely shy especially during their youth
# They avoid aggressiveness and violence in most case

# Prone to stomach-ache and sore-throat


Here the gemstones link to the Zodiac Sign Cancer which can help you to overcome everyday life challenges. Enjoy the Video!


Gemstone Profile:
# Mental and Physical Growth, Harmony, Inspiration, Honesty

Gemstone Benefits:
# Enhances memory
# Help to clarify thought
# Ease matter’s of the heart
# Promote qualities of patience and honesty
# Create a state of balance and harmony for advancement


Gemstone Profile:
# Hope, Purity, Softness, Love Inspiration

Gemstone Benefits:
# Helps against sterility
# Reinforce clarity and perception
# Promote good dream and peaceful sleep
# Soften, irritable or impetuous personality

Rose Quartz

Gemstone Profile:
# Love, Sweetness, Youth, Creativity

Gemstone Benefits:
# Increase fertility
# Ease general aches and pain
# Promote youthful appearance
# Promote love, romance and relationship
# Dispel negative thought forms and energies
# Assist to appreciate all things great and small


Gemstone Profile:
Depending of the gemstone dominating color:
# Red: Energy
# Yellow: Vitality
# Green: Growth
# Blue: Peace
# Violet: Spirituality
# All color: Protection

Gemstone Benefits:
# Life prolonging
# Help beat tiredness
# Help to gain good health
# Promote a successful career
# Increase intuition and originality

Cancer should choose carefully their Gemstones. The one representing the Cancer can cross a big range of traits. For example: Hypersensitive Cancer should not wear sensitive gemstone as the Moonstone or the Rose Quartz. They should better wear a bright Emerald or a protective Labradorite.

For Cancer who wishes to elevate their weak spot, the following gemstones jewelry can help:

# Hematite: Give Courage
# Ruby: Improve Strength
# Chrysocolla: Help for better feelings expression

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