Gemstones Jewelry Personality – Gemini

Zodiac Sign Gemini Blog Post | Kalikasan Jewel

Gemini is an intellectual with a practical sense. His gemstone color is yellow: color of positivity and vitality. His main weakness is his difficulty of concentration due to being too distracted by so many interests. The Gemini should slow down a little bit in order to enjoy life as it goes. It is preferable to choose a gemstone color complementary to his yellow personality. The violet color seems to be more appropriate in order to reduce distraction. However choosing one of his associate gemstones can also be helpful in order to elevate positive aspect of this Zodiac Sign.


# They are intellectual
# They are well organize
# They are open-minded
# They are naturally curious
# They have a practical sense

# They have no patience in concentration
# They can sometime be hyperactive that could hurt anybody physically

# Vulnerable to nervous disorder
# Prone to pulmonary and cardiac problem


Here the gemstones link to the Zodiac Sign Gemini which can help you to overcome everyday life challenges. Enjoy the Video!


Gemstone Profile:
# Positivity, Heat, Intuition, Energy

Gemstone Benefits:
# Promote healthy liver
# Improve blood circulation
# Help to be positive in all circumstance
# Enhance insight, creativity and judgment
# Prevent general health problem (Protection)


Gemstone Profile:
# Positivity, Joy, Vitality, Heat

Gemstone Benefits:
# Dispel anxiety and fear
# Bring joy and happiness
# Improve nervous system
# Bring abundance and wealth
# Promote better concentration
# Help to release cloudy thoughts

Tiger Eye

Gemstone Profile:
# Self confidence, Courage, Intuition, Responsibility

Gemstone Benefits:
# Bring calm
# Help soften stubbornness
# Promote boldness attitude
# Protect against negative vibration
# Enhance clear insight and perception
# Promote new beginnings and move forward in life


Gemstone Profile:
# Sensitivity, Peace, Balance, Youth

Gemstone Benefits:
# Bring calm
# Allow spiritual growth
# Help to maintain good health
# Lessen anger and susceptibility
# Reinforce all good personality traits

The gemstone profiles and the Gemini Sign have a strong connection with all “Sun” aspect such as, Positivity, Vitality and much more. Gemini must choose their gemstone by finding their personality traits that they wish to improve.

For Gemini who wishes to elevate their weak spot, the following gemstones jewelry can help:

# Jade: Neutralize hyperactivity
# Rose Quartz: Bring softness
# Turquoise: Improve determination
# Amethyst: Reduce distraction

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